Sunday 27 August 2017

My Curly Kale Smoothie

I try to have a Curl Kale or a Spinach smoothie every week day morning in keeping with my lifestyle change of sitting at a sewing machine hours on end. What I like about this recipe is that it gives me enough energy for the job (bananas & iron) 
 and I am getting the benefits below:
  • Great fibre content so aids digestion and elimination
  • Kale has more iron than beef! 
  • Kale is high in the K vitamin which can help fight various cancers
  • Kale is great for your cardio health it helps lower cholesterol its also a good anti inflammatory food


1. Curly Kale (put as much as you like I usually use one bag for 3 smoothies)
2. 2 Bananas
3. Half a Cucumber
4. 1/3 of zero fat Yoghurt
5. Coconut Milk

Blend to your desired smoothness, if you like it a little thinner be sure to add half or a whole cucumber to your recipe.You may not have Kale in your part of the world but you will have Spinach or Water leaf as it is called in Africa you can use this instead I prefer Kale

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